This job is to print 5 each of the below onto 3mm PVC on one side and ship to Washington, DC.
Side 1 Bionex 3mmPVC Qty5 SanJoseCA
Side 2 Bionex 3mmPVC Qty5 SanJoseCA
Side 3 Bionex 3mmPVC Qty5 SanJoseCA
Side 4 Bionex 3mmPVC Qty5 SanJoseCA
hello mike
yes we can proof them any day/time. we would like to receive them at the hotel in washington dc by friday (1 week). im not actually creating the images this time so ill check about that.
a couple of years ago we had you print some panels for us on a lightweight white panel (expanded pvc, maybe?) for a trade show. i was wondering if similar prints would be possible in a weeks timeframe or less. they would be full color, about 29" square, fifteen panels each with a different image (maybe a couple of repeats). does the scope of this sound like something that could get done in the next few days?
thanks, eric
yes we can proof them any day/time. we would like to receive them at the hotel in washington dc by friday (1 week). im not actually creating the images this time so ill check about that.
Okay, great. DC is close to us. Send the files when you have them and we will get these proofed and into production.
Ruth Petersen
I’m guessing you have shut down for the evening, so here are all four images. We need 5 of each, so a total of 20 instead of 15.
Side 1 & 3 are 20 7/8" x 29 1/4"
Side 2 & 4 are 28 3/4" x 29 1/4"
I’ve CCed my personal email address which will have a quicker response over the weekend. If you reply to all, Eric or I should be able to get back to you quickly.
Thank you,
Ruth Petersen