Print & Mail 15000 16 Page Newsletters to Registered Voters in 44070
1. We have reviewed the N Olmsted voter registration list of 22k entries; we removed duplicate addresses leaving about 14,700 names left.
2. To print the 16 page document on 80# gloss text (like magazine paper, glossy and thin) will cost $3797 and take 6 to 7 business days to have them land at our mailing house.
3. To prepare for mailing will cost $788 - this includes things like NCOA (usps address verification), sorting, tabbing, walk sequencing.
4. Postage estimate is $2450 or about 17c ea.
5. In the end it is likely the 14700 number will go down a bit due to move in and move outs of 44070.
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