Program Book for Virginia Beach VA

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  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA
  • Program Book for Virginia Beach VA


Kelly: Here's the product page for your bow wow program booklet. We'll do 200 copies for $384 shipped.


Lady's Grace Printing


Kelly O'Clair

AttachmentsFeb 22 (1 day ago)
to me
Hello Mike,
I am going to be sending you a couple emails of different things I need to get you to Print and to us ASAP.  Sorry about the short deadline.
Attached you will find the Posters I need you to Print in the Big size like you have done for us in the past (im sorry I don't remember the size)
There are two other Posters I have to get from the Design gal sorry
Attachments area

Mike Brunstedt <>

Feb 22 (1 day ago)
to Kelly
I'll work up the proofs when I have the other two.

Then I will figure out a way to get them to you quickly!
Mike Brunstedt, Partner

Full Color Printings
'for all of your printing needs'

We print EVERYTHING...flyers, banners, signs, posters, program books ASK US FOR A QUOTE!


1452 W.110th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44102

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Kelly O'Clair

Attachments7:01 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
​ ​Mike I have attached the Program to be printed,  just like we did last year.  I owe you a small write up for page three which I will have for you today.  I need 200 programs or whatever number it is to keep it as cheep as we can but at least 200
I have also attached a PPT that I need you to print full color Double sided in a 5x7 section of the photo/ name if that makes any sense.  If it doesn't look right just print in 8x10 and Ill trim it.  I would like them on a stiff card stock and laminated if possible.
I also need you to print the Sponsor Page of the Program in a Large poster. and the Feast for Fighter poster.
Thank you so much for all your help.
You are the best.
3 Attachments


7:23 AM (10 hours ago)
to me

Do you have Kara's new Bishopsgate logo?  If u do can you drop it in on the Sponsor page u set the red ribbon level please.

And send me the in pics for all of this..


Sent from my iPhone

Mike Brunstedt <>

7:24 AM (10 hours ago)
to kelly
Is this for a different Mike?

Also, regarding the 5x7 dog pics, you want just one set?


7:27 AM (10 hours ago)
to me

This is all for u mike.

Yes just one set.

Sent from my iPhone

Mike Brunstedt <>

7:29 AM (10 hours ago)
to kelly
Then I don't understand this:

Mike Brunstedt <>

7:29 AM (10 hours ago)
to kelly
And I don't think I have her logo. Haven't noticed anything new come through.
Mike Brunstedt, Partner

Full Color Printings
'for all of your printing needs'

We print EVERYTHING...flyers, banners, signs, posters, program books ASK US FOR A QUOTE!


1452 W.110th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44102

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On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Mike Brunstedt


7:35 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Mike all the docs were attached the the first email I sent you, one was a google Doc because of the size, all you should have to do is click the link.

You should have received the Bow Wow Ball posters last night and today
The dog Ppt
Feast for fighters poster
And the Bow Wow Ball program.
Need a large poster of the Sponsor page which is in the program

I owe you a small write up for page 3 of the program

And I'll get Kara to send you the logo asap to be added to the red ribbon Sponsor page in the program.

Lady's Grace

Sent from my iPhone

Mike Brunstedt <>

7:37 AM (10 hours ago)
to kelly
Yes, I have all that.

Do you need certain things prior to the Ball? Like the posters?
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