Contour Cut Coroplast from 60x120 4mm Coroplast Sheets

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  • Contour Cut Coroplast from 60x120 4mm Coroplast Sheets
  • Contour Cut Coroplast from 60x120 4mm Coroplast Sheets


JB: Here is your proof. Each tree is about 16x20. The pritable area is probably more like 16x12. Two 60x120 sheets will cost $245 shipped.


Please add your ship to address while checking out.




Below is a table sort of like our site where you found us. This is based on usiing our larger 60x120" sheets with various numbers of tree signs fit onto the sheet. One other piece of the table is the total number of 60x120 sheets you purchase. Use more sheets and the per piece price goes down. So you will want to balance size and number of sheets to get to the per piece price you are comfortable leaving behind on a client's front lawn.



    sign size 19x23 (WxH) sign size 19x20 (WxH) sign size 19x19 (WxH) sign size 19x17 (WxH)
60x120 sheets total total cost per pieces cost per pieces cost per pieces cost per
qty of sheets cost pieces piece per sheet piece per sheet piece per sheet piece
1 $170 $16 $10.63 $18 $9.44 $20 $8.50 $22 $7.73
2 $284 $32 $8.88 $36 $7.89 $40 $7.10 $44 $6.45
3 $398 $48 $8.29 $54 $7.37 $60 $6.63 $66 $6.03
4 $512 $64 $8.00 $72 $7.11 $80 $6.40 $88 $5.82
5 $626 $80 $7.83 $90 $6.96 $100 $6.26 $110 $5.69
6 $708 $96 $7.38 $108 $6.56 $120 $5.90 $132 $5.36
7 $819 $112 $7.31 $126 $6.50 $140 $5.85 $154 $5.32
8 $928 $128 $7.25 $144 $6.44 $160 $5.80 $176 $5.27
9 $1,039 $144 $7.21 $162 $6.41 $180 $5.77 $198 $5.25
10 $948 $160 $5.93 $180 $5.27 $200 $4.74 $220 $4.31
20 $1,748 $320 $5.46 $360 $4.86 $400 $4.37 $440 $3.97
25 $2,100 $400 $5.25 $450 $4.67 $500 $4.20 $550 $3.82
30 $2,500 $480 $5.21 $540 $4.63 $600 $4.17 $660 $3.79
40 $3,300 $640 $5.16 $720 $4.58 $800 $4.13 $880 $3.75
50 $4,100 $800 $5.13 $900 $4.56 $1,000 $4.10 $1,100 $3.73
75 $6,100 $1,200 $5.08 $1,350 $4.52 $1,500 $4.07 $1,650 $3.70
100 $8,100 $1,600 $5.06 $1,800 $4.50 $2,000 $4.05 $2,200 $3.68
150 $12,100 $2,400 $5.04 $2,700 $4.48 $3,000 $4.03 $3,300 $3.67
200 $16,100 $3,200 $5.03 $3,600 $4.47 $4,000 $4.03 $4,400 $3.66
250 $20,100 $4,000 $5.03 $4,500 $4.47 $5,000 $4.02 $5,500 $3.65
    sign size 19x16 (WxH) sign size 15x16 (WxH) sign size 15x16 (WxH)    
60x120 sheets total pieces cost per pieces cost per pieces cost per    
qty of sheets cost per sheet piece per sheet piece per sheet piece    
1 $170 $24 $7.08 $30 $5.67 $33 $5.15    
2 $284 $48 $5.92 $60 $4.73 $66 $4.30    
3 $398 $72 $5.53 $90 $4.42 $99 $4.02    
4 $512 $96 $5.33 $120 $4.27 $132 $3.88    
5 $626 $120 $5.22 $150 $4.17 $165 $3.79    
6 $708 $144 $4.92 $180 $3.93 $198 $3.58    
7 $819 $168 $4.87 $210 $3.90 $231 $3.54    
8 $928 $192 $4.83 $240 $3.87 $264 $3.52    
9 $1,039 $216 $4.81 $270 $3.85 $297 $3.50    
10 $948 $240 $3.95 $300 $3.16 $330 $2.87    
20 $1,748 $480 $3.64 $600 $2.91 $660 $2.65    
25 $2,100 $600 $3.50 $750 $2.80 $825 $2.55    
30 $2,500 $720 $3.47 $900 $2.78 $990 $2.53    
40 $3,300 $960 $3.44 $1,200 $2.75 $1,320 $2.50    
50 $4,100 $1,200 $3.42 $1,500 $2.73 $1,650 $2.48    
75 $6,100 $1,800 $3.39 $2,250 $2.71 $2,475 $2.46    
100 $8,100 $2,400 $3.38 $3,000 $2.70 $3,300 $2.45    
150 $12,100 $3,600 $3.36 $4,500 $2.69 $4,950 $2.44    
200 $16,100 $4,800 $3.35 $6,000 $2.68 $6,600 $2.44    
250 $20,100 $6,000 $3.35 $7,500 $2.68 $8,250 $2.44    





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JB <>

AttachmentsMar 16 (9 days ago)
to me
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Mike Brunstedt <>

Mar 17 (8 days ago)
to JB
I will get proofs and pricing for you over the weekend. Still way behind.
Mike Brunstedt, Partner

Full Color Printings
'for all of your printing needs'

We print EVERYTHING...flyers, banners, signs, posters, program books ASK US FOR A QUOTE!


1452 W.110th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44102

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On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:27 AM, JB <> wrote:
> Sent from my iPhone

Mike Brunstedt <>

Mar 22 (3 days ago)
to JB

I am so sorry I haven't had the time to give your tree signs any
thought. People are ordering everything and I'm working every hour of
every day. But I will do what I can to get you the best price possible
on our 48x96 or 60x120 sheets.

Hopefully you are still interested,


Mar 22 (3 days ago)
to me
Price me out maximizing space

Sent from my iPhone
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